In this module we have access to the list of patients and search options, add / delete etc. You can also sort data according to your criteria such as social security numbers, alphabetically or by the number of “Patient Charter”. In this module you can also seek for debtors by pressing the “settlements” panel.
To accelerate the search proccess initially only the first one hundred of patients are shown. If you want to see the full list you can click in the upper panel the option “Show all”.
New patient
To add a “new patient” go the “patients” menu where in the upper left panel is an option “Add Patient”. A new window will show where we have to make up personal data. In this window, there is also the “Settings” button. In this tab you can assign doctor to a patient and assign patient to a group of “discount rates”. “Patients groups” and “discount rates” are described in “Management” module – “Patients and visits.”
Editing Patient Charter from “Patients” tab
On the right side we have access to personal data of the patient selected from list. To edit directly patient’s charter click on the panel “Personal Information” which is located on the right. In the “Patient Charter” chapter there is a description of all respective modules and the possibility of usage.
Merging of duplicated patients
If you accidentally enter patients data twice, you can mark this patients with “Ctrl” held and then click the mouse on the top panel on the “More options” – “Merge repeated.” Patients will be merged into one and all treatments and visits will be moved to the patient who was upper on the list.